editorial policy



ethical issues



Authorship. All persons designated as "authors" must meet the criteria of this concept. Participation in the work of each author should be sufficient to take responsibility for its content. Right to be called by the author based on the following facts:


1) substantial contributions to conception and design of the study or in the analysis and interpretation of data;


2) drafting the article or making fundamental changes;


3) final approval of the version that into print.


Participation is solely to provide funding or selection of material for this article, does not justify inclusion in the group of authors. General management research team is also not recognized as sufficient for authorship.


Editors have the right to ask the author , what is the contribution of each of them in writing an article; This information can be published . All team members who do not meet criteria for authorship should be listed with their consent in the " Acknowledgements".


The order in which the authors are to be determined by their joint decision .


Conflict of interest. Conflict of interest regarding a particular manuscript, occurs when one of the participants in the review process or publication - author, reviewer, or editor - has obligations that could affect his or her opinion (even if it's not really going on). The most common cause of a conflict of interest - financial relationships (such as those related to employment, consultation, ownership of shares, payment of fees and pay the experts' opinions), directly or through relatives. There are other reasons - personal relationships , academic competition, and intellectual predilections .


Participants in the process of reviewing and publishing must disclose conflicts of interest.


Authors when submitting the manuscript are responsible for the disclosure of their financial and other conflicts of interest that may affect their work. The manuscript should be referred to all persons and organizations that have provided financial support, as well as other financial or personal involvement. Should describe the role of sponsor / sponsors in the structure of the study, the collection, analysis and interpretation of data.


Authors should indicate the names of those who, in their opinion , not be sent the manuscript for review in connection with the possible, as a rule, professional conflict of interest.


Reviewers must disclose all editorial conflicts of interest that may affect their opinion about the manuscript; they must abandon the review of a specific article if they consider it appropriate. In turn, the editorial board should be able to assess the objectivity of the review and decide whether or not to refuse the services of this reviewer.


Editorial Board may use the information provided in reports about a conflict of interest and financial interest as a basis for making editorial decisions.


Editors who make decisions about the manuscript should not be personal, professional or financial interest / participation in any matter that they can be addressed. Other members of the editorial staff, if they participate in decision-making must provide editors describe their financial interest (as it may have an influence on editorial decisions) and refuse to participate in deciding if a conflict of interest.


Compliance of patients' rights and privacy. Patients have a right to privacy that can not be disclosed without their consent. Personally identifiable information, including the names of patients, initials, numbers of hospitals and medical histories should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is not of great scientific value, or if the patient ( or parent or guardian ) will not provide ( provide ) a written consent to the publication. Authors should inform the patient, there is likelihood that the material, allowing the identity, after the publication will be available via the Internet. Authors should provide Received written informed consent of the patient to the dissemination of information and report it to the article.


Protection of humans and animals for scientific research. If an article contains descriptions of experiments involving human / people, authors should indicate whether they are in accordance with the ethical standards of the committee responsible for experiments involving human / people ( which is part of the institution or national) and the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and its revised version 2000 In doubtful cases, authors should provide a justification of their approaches and evidence that Peer Review Board approved the establishment of doubtful aspects of the study. In the presentation of experiments involving animals , authors should specify whether to perform the requirements of national leadership and management of the institution for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.


Publication of negative results. Many studies showing negative results are actually unsolvable / inconclusive. The ability to publish the results inconclusive studies considered by the editorial board in a special manner, as often these articles do not have values and biomedical journal belonging to expend resources.


Multiple publications. Editorial does not consider manuscripts simultaneously submitted for publication in other journals, as well as works that are mostly already been published as an article or become part of another work presented or accepted for publication in any other print or electronic media. This policy does not preclude consideration of articles not accepted for publication by another journal, or a full description provided after the publication of the preliminary results, ie abstracts or poster presentations presented at professional conferences.


Correspondence . Readers , if necessary, can send your comments, questions or criticisms to published articles , which will be printed in the magazine. If desired, the authors of the articles can respond to comments .




Author's copies are provided ; on the fact of numbers , the author's responsibility to the address indicated in the article reporting mailed copy. The magazine is available by subscription.


Articles previously published or sent to another journal or collection , will not be accepted . The editors reserve the right to cut and edit submitted articles.


Articles that do not comply with these requirements will not be considered . Submitted manuscripts are denied publication will not be returned .


Detailing items "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals " developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in particular ethical issues can be viewed at www.ICMJE.org