for authors

Rules for writing materials in the journal "blog Kazan medical school"


"Diary of the Kazan medical school" - peer-reviewed medical research and practice edition, which publishes the results of original research, case reports, scientific reviews, lectures, discussions, information about new drugs, reports, reviews, materials for anniversaries and so on.

Published in the journal Advanced Materials placed under the following headings : modern methods of diagnosis and treatment ( innovative approaches ) , the organization of health care, history of medicine, case studies, theoretical issues, review, discussion, experimental medicine, clinical medicine, medical and pharmaceutical education, letters to the editor.


Trade name, manufacturer and country of manufacture described drugs , dietary supplements and medical devices, may be listed in the case of participation of manufacturers in the "Medical range." In this case the publication is accompanied by marked" advertisement" or "for publicity"



Requirements for Manuscripts

1. Manuscripts submitted in electronic form by e -mail editor in chief MD prof. Sayfutdinova Rafik Galimzyanovich - Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. Этот e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. To Article shall be applied formal referral institution where the work carried out, with the head of the visa


3. Scope original clinical articles, lectures, discussions, surveys should not exceed 10-12 pages, brief reports, case studies - 3-4 pages of typescript .


4. Statement should be as simple and clear , with no long historical introductions, neologisms and scientific jargon . Need maximum consistency of the material , with a clear delineation of the results obtained by the author from the relevant literature data and their interpretation. Abbreviations are not allowed, except standard . Abbreviations included in the text only after their first mention in the full interpretation : for example - Coronary heart disease (CHD) . In acronyms use capital letters . In describing the drugs should be given international nonproprietary name (INN ) . In the case of an analysis of the patient is necessary in parentheses indicate normal values clinics, which he leaves work (for example, ... biochemical analyzes a patient's blood : total cholesterol ( OXC ) - 8.11 mmol / l ( 3,9-5,2 mmol /l) , triglyceride (TG ) - 3.17 mmol / l ( 0,45-1,8 mg / l , etc. ) .


5. Title page should contain :


• title of the article to be informative and short enough ;

• Name authors (in full) ;

• academic degree and title, the main office of the authors (for medical practitioners, health care facilities);

• Full name of the institution and the department (department, laboratory) in which the work was performed. If all the authors work or study in one institution, you can omit the place of work of each author separately.

• contact information liaison edited by the author: full postal address of the author (with zip code), telephone number, e-mail.


5. Articles with original research should include the following sections, a clear distinction between : 1. " Purpose of research "; 2 . " Materials and Methods"; 3 . "Results"; 4. "Discussion"; 5. "Conclusions". Perhaps the union 3rd and 4th chapters into one , ie " Results and discussion".


6. Summary must be no larger than 1/3 page in Russian and English languages. We stress the need to produce good quality summary for each article. In the world adopted the practice reflected in the copyright summary summary article. Sometimes in the summary can be saved article structure - introduction , goals and objectives , research methods, results , and conclusions. Optimal volume resume is one that carried out the summary task without repeating articles, gives the opportunity to review its contents without reference to the full text. Qualitative summary in English allow foreign scientists to overcome the language barrier to become familiar with the content of the article and to determine the interest in it, and therefore increases the likelihood of citing publications foreign colleagues.

Lecture placed under the subheading "Keywords", and after him - from 3 to 10 key words or phrases in Russian and English languages, which will facilitate cross- indexing the article.


7. References located at the end of the article on a separate sheet and includes bibliographic description of all the works that are cited in the text. Literature must be executed in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "bibliographic references. General requirements and rules. "The list of all listed in alphabetical order. First come the works of local authors, then foreign. Works of local authors published in foreign languages, are placed in alphabetical order among the works of foreign authors. Work of foreign authors published in Russian are placed in alphabetical order among the works of local authors. The text indicates the sequence number only quoted source in square brackets in strict accordance with the list of references (no more than 30-35 sources). Serial number in the list of references should conform to the ordinal number of references in the text.


In the literature list:

• when citing books: surname and initials of authors , title of the book, place, publisher and year of publication , number of pages in a book or link to specific pages;

• when citing journal articles : names and initials of authors (if more than 4 authors, the three point , adding" etc. "or «et al.»), The full title of the article, the full or abbreviated name of the journal, year, volume, number cited page;

• articles permitted links to abstracts of theses, but not themselves dissertation , as they are manuscripts.

8. All illustrative material (drawings, diagrams, photographs, tables) is located in the file after the list of references , denoted by the word "pattern" (except tables), numbered , presented in black-and- white or color image. Figures must have captions. Text of the article should not duplicate data in tables . The text should be a link to the corresponding picture, which is made in square brackets.


For example:


Basic mechanism of action of all types of botulinum toxins is the presynaptic release of acetylcholine blockade of peripheral cholinergic nerve terminals synapse [1].


 Technical requirements for registration of the manuscript:


 Text editor - Microsoft Word


Paper size, orientation - A4 book


Font - Times New Roman


Font size - 12 points


Line spacing - 1,5


Alignment - the width


Indention ( red line ) - 1.25 cm


Pagination - bottom right



Tables, graphs and diagrams are constructed in the editor Word, on the axes must be specified unit. Electronic versions of images, radiographs are presented in black and white, in the format jpeg c resolution of at least 300 ppi and width of the object is not less than 100 mm.


All works submitted are subject to peer review . The editors reserve the right to shorten the published materials and their adaptation to the rubrics of the magazine. Article is not designed in accordance with these rules will not be accepted and will not be returned.


Not allowed direction Received result published in other publications or sent for publication in other journals.