edtor in chief

Saifutdinov Rafik Galimzyanovich - Head of therapy GBOU DPO KSMA Russian Ministry of Health, Chief Gastroenterologist MOH, chairman of the Society of Gastroenterology RT, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tajikistan, academician EA AMS, Corresponding Member of the HS, the chief editor of "The Diary of Kazan medical school", MD Sciences, Professor

Tel./Fax: (843) 236-87-86

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Level of education (what and when he graduated , received specialty Diploma )

Irkutsk State Medical Institute , 1975, medicine, higher


Labor and teaching experience

Seniority - 38 years teaching experience - '34


Qualifications . Further training for the last 5 years

Therapy (2009 ); cardiology (2007 ) Gastroenterology (2009)


Academic degree



The presence of the academic title

Professor; Academician EA AMS ; Corresponding Member of the VSH


List of awards , rewards , honorary degrees, diplomas , etc.

Inventor of the USSR (1984); Diploma of MOH (2011); Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tajikistan (2011); Who is Who in Russia (2012)


Topic of Ph.D. and doctoral dissertation

"The study of free radicals blood and its components in patients with coronary heart disease ", Moscow, 1984 . 14.00.06 . - Cardiology . " Paramagnetic centers of human biological fluids and their diagnostic and pathogenetic role in certain diseases of the internal organs ", Tomsk , 1990 . 14.00.05 - internal medicine, 03.00.04 - biochemistry


scientific papers


1. EPR spectroscopy in clinical rhinology, Irkutsk, 1992. - Page 80 (Shanturov AG, Saifutdinov RG, Nosulya EV).

2. Clinic of internal diseases, Irkutsk, 1993. - page 156 (KR Sedov, Saifutdinov RG).

3. Therapy Disaster Medicine, Irkutsk, 1997. - Page 25 (Sukhovsky VS Saifutdinov RG).

4. RAMS academician Konstantin Sedov Rafailovich, Irkutsk, 1998. - Page 116.

5 . Actual problems of Emergency Medicine and Clinical Toxicology selected issues , Irkutsk , 1998 . - Page 344.

6 . Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Biochemistry and Medicine. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publischers, New York-Boston-Dordrecht-London Moscow. 2001 . - P. 268 . (RGSaifutdinov, LILarina, TIVakil'skaya, MGVoronkov). (Topics in applied chemistry. Series Editor: Alan R. Katritzky, FPS (Univ. of Florida) and Gebran J. Sabongi (St. Paul, Minnesota).

7. GERD. Prevalence among the employees of the oil industry RT. Clinical manifestations and its role in gastrointestinal pathology / CPI "Express Plus", Kazan, 2006. - 204. ( Saifutdinov RG, EV Trifonov, Ryzhkov, OV).

Scientific publications.

Prevalence of types of vegetative response of hypertensive patients with different stages // Public health and health care. - 2012. - № 3. - S. 42-45. Prevalence of long QT patients with CHD and type 2 diabetes // Public health and health care. - 2012. - № 3. - S. 45-50. Long-term results and quality of life in patients after elective cholecystectomy (review) // Public health and health care. - 2012. - № 3. - S. 68-71. Quality of life in patients undergoing urgent cholecystectomy (review ) // Public health and health care. - 2012. - № 3. - S. 71-75. Atypical pneumonia on a background for a wakened immune system, and the use of dietary supplements IDA // KMZH . - 2012. - №5. - S. 840-843. Catamnesis after extracorporeal lithotripsy in CL // Materials XII Congress NOHD and XXXVIII session CRI Gastroenterology, March 1-2, 2012, Moscow . - S. 63-64 . Contractile ability of the gallbladder after chemical contact litholysis // Materials XII Congress NOHD and XXXVIII session CRI Gastroenterology, March 1-2, 2012, Moscow . - S. 64. Hormonal status of the thyroid gland in patients with cholelithiasis // Materials XII Congress NOHD and XXXVIII session CRI Gastroenterology, March 1-2, 2012, Moscow. - S. 62 63.Klinichesky case of iron-deficiency anemia, severe // Singraalnaya surgery. - 2012. - № 1-2. - Pp. 15-18. Stress - induced cardiomyopathy // Singraalnaya surgery - Cheboksary, 2012. № 1-2. - S. 22-25. Rating circadian blood pressure profile and the type of vegetative response in hypertensive patients of different stages. // Materials for therapeutic school Botkin and its contribution to the development of domestic medicine. - 2012 . - P.145. The role of bile acids in diseases of the biliary system // Materials for therapeutic school Botkin and its contribution to the development of domestic medicine. - 2012 . - P.68-69 .


Results of personal participation in conferences, grants, competitions and exhibitions

First Class Diploma OK Komsomol among young scientists in 1982, the President of the Russian Federation Scholarship 1993-1997.


social activities

member of the Academic Council, a member of the Academic Council KSMU, member societies :

a) ISDE (International Society of Doctors for the Environment),

b) ISEPR (International Society of Eltctron Paramagnetic Resonance),

c) ESMRBM (European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine).

- Member of the editorial boards of the journals: "Journal of Modern Clinical Medicine" (Kazan), "Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology "(Moscow )," Siberian Herald hepatology and gastroenterology" (Tomsk), "Singraalnaya Surgery" ( Cheboksary, RF) Journal "Medical" (Kazan), "international Journal of Medicine" (Kazan) .

- Chairman of the Society of Gastroenterology RT

- Since October 2011, the Federal expert scientific and technical areas of the budget of the Federal State Scientific Institution «Research Institute Federal Research Advisory Center of Expertise" (SRI FGBNU RINKTS) ChlenPrezidiuma Russian Gastroenterological Association , Member of the standing working group on the development of the Russian Health Ministry order and standards of gastroenterological care.